"la fiera è una grande opportunità per far crescere gli artisti"
"young art hunters ricerca l'originalità"
"riconosco la passione in voi"
"la forza di questa associazione è la trasparenza"
Photo by: Niccolò Misrachi
ricky bordoni
paolo gila
niccolò misrachi
elia panori
lynette reed
gabriele scanziani
the passenger
jane thompson
Photo by: Niccolò Misrachi
Stand i3
Photo by: Niccolò Misrachi
Francesca Ogliari
Chiara Isella
Lorenza Pagliari
Luca Temolo Dall’Igna
Anna Pennati
Giuseppe Rinaldi
Niccolò Misrachi
Dal 10 marzo fino al 18 marzo, presso la nostra The YAH Factory viene allestita una mostra con alcune delle opere e degli inediti degli artisti presenti in fiera.
Young Art Hunters is proud to present 'Dissoul', a revealing exhibition of fragments.
The exhibition, organized in the brand new The YAH Factory art gallery and curated by the Young Art Hunters association, which has always been involved in the promotion of emerging artists, is a collective of nine Italian and international artists who, through the use of their own technique and artistic expression have laid bare, exploring the innermost parts of themselves, dividing their IO into two different but complementary parts.
An unsettling find, a controversial technique, a revealing mirror, a penetrating vision. These are just some of the fragments of spirit that Young Art Hunters hosts in its gallery. In this act of cutting off part of the person, the will to keep veiled traces in the works of art is reported, therefore being able to be in several places at the same time, depending on the distance of the various pieces of oneself; when they are concentrated, as in this case, innumerable aspects can be recognized and all with great expressive power.
The exhibition continues the cycle of exhibitions dedicated to promising young art, always ready to answer the contemporary questions of today's society.