Sostieni YAH

Young Art Hunters is a registered non-profit association based on art and the promotion of cultural events.

Thanks to you, we can continue to share contemporary art through a small contribution.

The Ordinary Member has a dedicated discount of 10% on the purchase of the first artwork, the opportunity to actively participate in the exclusive events of YAH and receives our newsletter in order to be updated on all our initiatives. 

The Sustaining Member has the same benefits as the regular member. He or she also has VIP access to our events, so he or she has the opportunity to preview both physical and digital exhibits. 

It will help our association to grow in order to promote and be always available to artists through the organization of events made especially for them.

The Artist Member has the opportunity to exhibit at Young Art Hunters exhibitions according to the chosen package. In addition, he/she has the opportunity to access the selections to become a YAH artist with the benefits that come with it.

The YAH Artist, who is personally selected by the staff, has a dedicated page on the site containing biography, artistic experiences and works. He/she is actively promoted through our social channels and has priority over participation in our events and exhibitions.

Yes, Young Art Hunters is available to the artist to promote it and acts as a conduit for the sale to the end customer. 

Young Art Hunters is responsible for promoting and advertising the event you will attend through our social channels bringing a wide audience and potential customers who will have the opportunity to view your work.

Public or private associations, public or private bodies, as well as clubs with activities and purposes not in contrast with those of Young Art Hunters may also be members.

Members can be of 3 types:

  • Artist Members
  • Ordinary Members
  • Supporting Members
  • The duration of the membership lasts until December 31st of the same year of the payment of the membership fee.

Young Art Hunters Association

CF 97890630151

Piazza Giuseppe Grandi 19 20129 (MI)

press office

mon fry 10:0019:00

sat sun 11:0018:00


Young Art Hunters Association ets dal 2021

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