A performance between thoughts and colors
Illustrami is a cycle of exhibitions dedicated to the interaction between art and poetry, a project that has already had a great positive response and that we expect to become bigger and bigger. For this edition we have selected four couples, each formed by an artist and a poet. The theme has been left completely free allowing the participants to work without any
constraint making the exhibition a sort of poetry slam, in this case, completely digital.

Letizia Zuffi

A world inside

M.t. on canvas



The dive
The deafening buzz of the past creeps into the thoughts,
echoing overbearingly in the tacit silence that envelops you.
Like a rough sea that explodes in your chest,
feelings are now inflamed, now they become more meek.
If before the breaks dictated the timing of your life,
now you see them expand infinitely
beating rhythms still unknown to you.
If you used to run away resolutely from any trouble before,
silencing the noise in mind,
now the escape always leads you back to yourself.
So you sit, you breathe.
You vehemently appropriate hidden spaces
and new thoughts that never belonged to you.
You take off the fake costumes with which you tried to disguise yourself
To rediscover yourself free from all judgment and capable of loving you.
A plunge into the priceless and inexhaustible rediscovery of you,
In the deep ocean of unseen possibilities.
The dizzying flow of things drags you,
lightness seduces the mind, indulgence wins the heart.
You are naked, you are alive, are you.

Poem by Maria Teresa Fidanzia

The weight of the word
On the off-white of my cinereal bones
that I pretended to be ivory,
I set a gem
for every word you have sfor every word you have spoken.poken.
I wanted to be pure and hollow
come un santuario scavato nella roccia,
a cave on which to draw primitive graffiti,
original recall alphabets.
On the off-white of my cinereal bones
that you call a carcass,
it has been deeply engraved
the sound of every word you have uttered.
They are nothing but disfigured marble,
fragile and unrecognized even to my eyes.
My mind a jar of whispers and I
reckless Pandora continue to drown in it.
I climbed Ganges and Yamuna up to the source
without water
could wash away its memory.
He was sticking between the ribs,
flashed to the sky more vivid flashes
minerals that have not yet ceased to be polished.
Lying on sand and gravel,
with narrow eyelids,
I asked the current to drag me downstream.
But she has seen further than me.
Dawns when I can't hear you
and soon listen,
I can hear a light wind blowing from the east.
He whispers to me that he will wipe out all my wars.
I'll be constellation
of amethyst and sapphire.
I'll be,
my talisman.

Poem by Elena Brambilla

Federica Raggi

The galaxy of melancholy pain




Irene Vesentini

Still (not) afraid of the dark




Still (not) afraid of the dark
Fragile soul
Make weakness your greatest strength
And from renaissance awareness, blossom
More beautiful than before
Time has stopped
When you first met
Immortal soul
Keep the memory of who you were
And from renaissance awareness, blossom
Stronger than before
Time is no longer a limit
Now that you have seen yourself for who you are
Delicate soul
Defend your need to be free
And from renaissance awareness, blossom
Lighter than before
Time is running again
Now that you've found yourself
Pure soul
Rejoice for your way of being
And from renaissance awareness, blossom
Brighter than before
Time will help you live again
Now that you have learned how to shine

Poem by Rachele Boccadoro


Niccolò Misrachi


Acrilic on cardboard



Quarantine in the mirror
It is a waiting quarantine
apparent calm
frustrating powerlessness
and defense mechanisms.
It is a quarantine of concern:
what is not seen creates fear,
what you don't hear creates noise
what you don't know creates a lot of confusion
It's a quarantine of reflection
on wrong policies - always the same -
and the domino effect (global)
of underestimation.
Not everyone accepted and shared the forced arrest of the newspaper,
there were even those who rejected it.
The state of nature manifests itself in an excessive, ancestral, coined
which relegates the rule of law to the background.
Finally everyone understood,
to the sound of bells,
the seriousness of the situation:
- with this enemy no compromise - each ego is defenseless.
Industry slows down, economy slows down, man slows down.
Nature reclaims the cities, the soil, the water, the air.
Wounds on the sidewalks fill up with grass,
like veins in cement and foundation.
The social scissors are becoming clearer and clearer,
inequalities are accentuated.
The rhythms of the day are marked by phone calls and video calls,
the contact is now only virtual.
What happens to compassion?
if, in the jargon, we call the positive subject untore?
It is a pure collective feeling
or is it relegated to a song on the balcony?
We are anxious about a relative, a friend, a neighbor, an acquaintance.
We wait for the peak and the peak drop,
reassuring news from your doctor friend or the news,
the saving homily and the President's conference.
We feel a renewed feeling of humanity
for an out-of-place clump, adjusted gracefully,
for an embrace to the cross, in the deserted temple,
in the panic of fatality.
Let this be a lesson to us: once and for all,
we should decide which way to direct our fate.
Towards the usual self-destructing system,
or towards a new horizon that produces and protects itself.

Poem by Francesco Di Donna

We thank you all for being with us and we take this opportunity to thank especially the artists who participated in this edition of illustrating me by bringing professionalism and quality, elements that for us are the basis of all our projects. We also thank Almach Gallery and Francesco Virgata, who have always been our collaborators and supporters. Thanks again to everyone and to
the next exhibition!


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